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Restorative Practices and San Francisco public schools showcase what restorative practices is and how implementation can positively affect school climate and how stakeholders can assist with the process.
Dialogue Circles- Glenview Elementary School
Oakland, California
This video showcases the use of climate circles and dialogue circles to assist with classroom management.
Restorative Justice in Oakland Schools: Tier One Community Building Circles demonstrates how high school students can facilitate circles.
This video demonstrates how a high school in Aurora Colorado replaces punishment with "talking circles".
Restorative Welcome and Re-entry Circle highlights the concept "it takes a village" to assist students transition from an alternative educational placement or JJAEP back to their campus.
Family Group Conferencing (FGC) Example
FGC allows families and communities to come together and work together to solve their own problems.
Victim Offender Mediation and Conferencing
This video demonstrates an example on how conferences can repair the harm that was caused.
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