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The reason for taking this approach is simple. Studies reveal school suspensions correlate to academic failure, including higher school dropout rates. Students are not in position to learn if they are not in the classroom.
In turn, suspensions affect minority students disproportionately. In Texas, African-American students compromise 13 percent of students but are, on average, two times as likely to be suspended as white and Hispanic/Latino students.
- Former Commissioner of Education Michael Williams
Conferencing and Chats
Conference Facilitator Script
Common Circle Values
Circles Types
Essential Elements for Constructing a Circle
Essential Elements of a Circle
Circle Practices
Circle Planning Tool (Lesson Plan for Circles)
Purpose of Circles
Sample Prompts Questions/Topics for Circles
Reintegration Process
Restorative Dialogue Circle Demonstration
Awareness Overview of PBIS and RP
Integrating PBIS and RP
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